Brian Crozier
BRIAN CROZIER's experience of museum management and curation dates back to 1986. He has particular skills in exhibition development, collection management, significance assessment and museum planning. As senior curator of social history at the Queensland Museum for 17 years, he was responsible for many major exhibitions, including "Women of the West", "Sharing their legacy", and "The courage of ordinary men". He also brought a number of major advances to the management of the social history collections at the Museum, including the development and marketing of the Queensland Museum Accessioning Resource Kit for Small Museums.
Brian taught museum studies for the University of Queensland for five years and has had a long association with small museums through Museum and Gallery Services Queensland and the History Trust (now History SA) in South Australia. Brian holds the degrees of MA (Melbourne) and PhD (Cambridge). He is the author of a number of important publications on aspects of public history and has been a museum consultant since his retirement from the Queensland Museum in 2008. |
Faye Schutt
FAYE SCHUTT trained as a teacher at the University of Melbourne and taught in schools for a number of years, including heading the English departments of two Victorian secondary schools, before returning to the University of Melbourne to complete her Honours degree with First Class Honours. She then taught German history, 1871-1945, at the University of Melbourne, and undertook research in aspects of German history.
Faye has broad museum experience from working at the Queensland Museum where she managed the Museum's visitor services, curated several exhibitions, produced education kits, managed talks programs and gave talks in her own right, spoke on radio and edited publications. She curated the bulk of the exhibitions in the award-winning MacArthur Museum, Brisbane. Faye's publications include the history of Rathdowne Street School in Melbourne and The indispensable goat, a history of the role of goats in Queensland outback history, and a number of scholarly and popular articles, including a chapter in The Queensland house. A roof over our heads. As a museum consultant with Brian Crozier since 2008 she has developed particular skills in researching the significance of museum objects. |